When Your Engagement Is Full Of Hot Air!
It’s every girl’s dream to be proposed to in some grand romantic way. No matter who you are, somewhere in your psyche is that idea that when you meet your special someone they will surpass all of your expectations and sweep you off your feet with their unique proposal to you. I was no exception, and I will admit to liking the idea of marriage as my boyfriend kept mentioning it during our courtship. Although we disagreed on diamonds (he liked Marquis cut, if you can believe it? He pressed very hard for me to like it too!) I felt confident that my thoughts would be taken into consideration if and when the time came for us to take things to the next level.
The day came that I had dreamt of – he took me on a hot air balloon ride, got down on one knee as a plane flew by trailing a banner that said, “Will you marry me?” I was swept away and believed he loved me as I loved him; I took the leap and said yes. He quickly placed the ring on my finger; fortunately, it was a beautiful pear-shaped diamond ring. I was thrilled and felt so lucky to have someone that would put so much thought and creativity in to making our engagement so special and unique.
Imagine my surprise a few months later, when I found out I was the 4th proposal, not the 3rd! I found engagement pictures of he and his previous girlfriend, whom he had proposed to in the exact same way (hot air balloon and same banner!) – only difference, it was with a marquis cut diamond ring, a cut that he pressed so hard for me to like and want! Had he really wanted to recycle an engagement ring? I was shocked but kept telling myself, "It wasn’t that big of a deal, right? I was engaged!"
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